Will You Adopt Me?

boy goes to church to be adopted

Davion had been born to a mother in jail, grown up in foster care and group homes and lived his life in a rage. When he finally tracked down his mother. She was a drug addict, in and out of prison, and had died only weeks earlier.

That changed him. He turned around his behavior, his grades, even his weight. He desperately wanted to be accepted into a family. Tampa Bay Times reports that he heard God would help those who help themselves, so with his case worker’s support (the two are in the photo), he nervously went to a church, stood in front of the congregation, and asked if someone would adopt him.

The Times news noted, “More than anything, he wants someone to tell him he matters.”

The story has gone viral, and hundreds of families from around the world have responded.

I think of all the kids who have so much and appreciate so little. Then there are those like Davion, who have so little and have never been part of a family. They’re willing to do anything just to be loved. The Psalms describe how God is close to people like these.

Does God care for them in ways we don’t see? Hurt with them? Lead them in their paths? Answer their prayers?

Perhaps all of the above.

And he will use people like you and me.

To see the original story, click here:

Photo credit:  Tampa Bay Times