Beyond Physical Pain
What is the most stressed you’ve ever been? Did your whole body get tense? Did you scream? Did you eventually get sick? All human reactions to stress. Here’s one more: Did you sweat blood? As we are in the Easter season and the joy of the resurrection, we first think of Jesus’ pain on Good Friday. But it’s worth knowing that his greatest pain was not physical. And there were only two points when he lost his composure. The first was in the Garden of Gethsemane immediately prior to his arrest and crucifixion, where Jesus prayed intensely. So what…
You Don’t Have a Soul
You and I see everything in life through a perspective, usually our own. From a human perspective, we are physical creatures in physical bodies—and we each have a soul. But God does not seem to share our perspective. He sees us differently. Pastors sometimes stimulate people by asking, “Are you a physical creature on a spiritual journey? Or are you a spiritual creature on a physical journey?” Many people don’t even think about that. They’re physical creatures in a physical world, seeking physical accomplishment, physical satisfaction, and physical comfort. Some people indeed seek spiritual things, yet the predominant goal still…