Where is the Heart of God in Gaza?
Where is the Heart of God in Gaza? So many people being killed. So much suffering. If the Bible is true, God’s heart breaks for those civilians who are suffering. And it needs to be stopped. But there is so much more. God’s heart is also for Israel, his chosen people through whom the Messiah came, and around whom the end times is prophesied to play out. And who are constantly under threat or attack from those who surround them. Yet the group conveniently escaping most of the blame is the the group responsible for everything: Hamas. Israel’s main desire…
Searching Prejudicial Souls
Protests. Debates. Calls for reform. Soul searching. The Zimmerman/Martin case has ignited many fires–from simplistic objections to the verdict (which given the charge vs. evidence could hardly have turned out any other way) to profound observations by even the nation’s president and others regarding the subtle biases and prejudices that linger. It’s easy for white people or others (Zimmerman is half Peruvian) to wonder why blacks protest at the verdict which came by clear adherence to the law as it related to the facts. It’s easy for black people to grow enraged at the whole system that appears okay on…