Power of the Will

While following the news and praying for Ukraine, I have continually seen a most powerful lesson on vivid display. Everyone in Russia and in the West thought Russia could simply roll into Ukraine and, with or without resistance, take over the country. Everyone except the Ukrainians. 
The Ukranians have amazed the world with their will to fight. They refuse to give up, even in the worst situations, fighting to the death. Their tenacious will changed the will of the entire European Union and the United States. This will inspired a widespread, new view on the worth and necessity of defending democratic nations.
The same is true of our personal lives in whatever challenges we face. 
The same is true of our part—whatever it may or may not be—in the Kingdom of God. 
If we have the will, we can do amazing things beyond what anyone else may expect.
From Abraham to Moses to Joshua to David to the prophets to John the Baptist to Jesus to Peter to Paul and to the end, we see people who say, “Yes, Lord,” and tenaciously pursue their calling. 

A person without God’s grace can produce little of eternal value. God’s grace usually does little without a human vessel. Your decided, determined will to do something, led and empowered by the grace of God, can do amazing things that have eternal value. 
But most people don’t. In a wealthy country like ours, it’s easy to blithely peddle through life, comfortable and entertained, until we coast safely into death. But what a tragedy if, after we live and die, it’s as if we had never lived at all. 
In a country assaulted and at war like Ukraine, the will means everything. In a personal life that makes an eternal difference to others–especially in light of how darkness wars against light–the will means everything.
We all feel more motivated sometimes and less motivated at others, but overall, what has God made you to be and to do? Where does God’s grace infuse you to empower what you consistently pursue?
Regardless of outcome, this pursuit gives life meaning and purpose. 
I bless you with that as you take hold of that for which God has taken hold of you.

Art Credit: geralt|Pixabay