Piles of Stuff

silberprocycling.comAs I move into a new life in Louisiana, I am amazed at the piles of things that have occupied my time, money, and energy. Some were expected, others were not. (The photo is not my stuff.)

At times life can be like piles of stuff to do that keep us from doing what we’re called to do. Nothing new about that. And these things can range from distracting, to tiring, to overwhelming. We all have our own list that may include business, government, family, repairs, health, finances, requests, events, conflicts, infinity.

When life seems hindered by all the stuff we have to do, or are pressured or tempted to do, I try to remember three things. And I invite you to remember them with me and make them your own:

Who am I?—as opposed to the person others may want me to be, or a carnal version of myself in Christ, or an ideal that’s not meant for me.

What am I called to do?—as opposed to doing things that may be necessary but need to be finished and put away, or could be delegated, or are secondary in importance, or are someone else’s priorities.

Why is it important for me?—as opposed to losing sight of my purpose and drifting toward what’s easier or makes the most noise.

Then plod—inch forward step by step no matter what comes. We can get through the endless necessary tasks that do not define our who / what / why and accomplish almost anything.

Beyond what seems important or is required of our life on earth, the most important things in life are by nature connected with eternity—how we will spend eternity and how we will influence others. This is what Jesus focused on through his entire earthly ministry as people around him got caught up in the here-and-now of 2000 years ago. Jesus defines eternity. And our life’s response to him determines how we spend it.

From the other way around, eternity is, or can be, what most defines our who / our what / our why of our life right here and right now. How is it defining yours?

Photo courtesy of: silberprocycling.com