I visited Northampton, Massachusetts, to see what physically remained of the ministry of Jonathan Edwards, who lived in the early 1700s and was the leader of the First Great Awakening and is still considered one America’s greatest theologians. All that remains is the semi-circular stone step of Edwards’ third meeting house, which was placed at the entrance to the present brownstone church building. That’s it. An informational sign placed by the Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities succinctly tells an essential part of his history: “Edwards’ preaching had been marvelously effective, but he had made serious enemies in the community. There…
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My wife and I stayed at a resort where we expected a room with a view but were instead assigned the worst room in the entire place, right in front of the maintenance garage and parking lot. I was disappointed. So I thought about why. It came down to my expectations. If I had simply gone there for business or a conference, I wouldn’t have cared because my expectations would not have included a nice view. But I was there on vacation—and I would pray, read, think, relax, and eat most of my meals on the deck or patio outside…
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I edited a book for Dr. Ed West, who wrote, “A Christian who is exhausted by living life like everyone else should repent and start over.” Think about that.Do you ever get exhausted by living your life like everyone else? Maybe it’s always being busy, busy, busy.Maybe it’s striving for achievement or happiness.Maybe it’s trying to impress others or be an ideal somebody.Maybe it’s buying and paying for things the world says you need.Maybe it’s feeling that you have to do everything and can’t miss anything.Living in these and other ways can indeed become exhausting. The Lord speaks through the…
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Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? When people don’t have satisfying answers, they may get mad, bury it, turn away from God, rationalize, or face life with humble faith. When bad things happen, it’s natural for people to ask why. But not all the time. One thing I have found is that the people who live in poor countries or places ravaged by violence and war, the vast majority of people don’t have the same expectations of things being good. They’ve never had that luxury. They expect bad things. God is their hope. When things…
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Angel, my beloved dog of fourteen and a half years suddenly died in early June. (The vet thought it was a heart attack or stroke.) Our daughter originally got her, and the dog was a lifesaver for her rough times growing up (as my childhood dog was for me). When our daughter went off to college, she let Kim and me keep Angel, who became a surrogate child for us. I’m a pathetic, incorrigible dog lover. Kim came from a country where they ate dogs, but she came to love the dog far more than she ever let on or even…
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