Your site does not seem to be Android and touch-screen friendly! It is impossible to hover the cursor over the “Online Library” link without Android causing the popup screen to pop up that says “open in new tabe,” “copy link address,” etc. Unless I am doing something wrong, your webmaster has failed to serve you well! As I expect you want to be able to minister to people through their tablets and cell phones, I expect you’d want to know if the site is not optimized for these devices and their operating system. Thus I am writing!
“Connections” is a free semimonthly inspirational e-mail that offers insights and a fresh perspective on daily life, news, and stories about people. Each one is a short 300 words or less and comes with a biblical viewpoint.
Your site does not seem to be Android and touch-screen friendly! It is impossible to hover the cursor over the “Online Library” link without Android causing the popup screen to pop up that says “open in new tabe,” “copy link address,” etc. Unless I am doing something wrong, your webmaster has failed to serve you well! As I expect you want to be able to minister to people through their tablets and cell phones, I expect you’d want to know if the site is not optimized for these devices and their operating system. Thus I am writing!
God bless