Living Life Like Everyone Else
I edited a book for Dr. Ed West, who wrote, “A Christian who is exhausted by living life like everyone else should repent and start over.” Think about that.Do you ever get exhausted by living your life like everyone else? Maybe it’s always being busy, busy, busy.Maybe it’s striving for achievement or happiness.Maybe it’s trying to impress others or be an ideal somebody.Maybe it’s buying and paying for things the world says you need.Maybe it’s feeling that you have to do everything and can’t miss anything.Living in these and other ways can indeed become exhausting. The Lord speaks through the…
Why Would God…?
Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? When people don’t have satisfying answers, they may get mad, bury it, turn away from God, rationalize, or face life with humble faith. When bad things happen, it’s natural for people to ask why. But not all the time. One thing I have found is that the people who live in poor countries or places ravaged by violence and war, the vast majority of people don’t have the same expectations of things being good. They’ve never had that luxury. They expect bad things. God is their hope. When things…
Tribute to God’s Gift to Mankind
Angel, my beloved dog of fourteen and a half years suddenly died in early June. (The vet thought it was a heart attack or stroke.) Our daughter originally got her, and the dog was a lifesaver for her rough times growing up (as my childhood dog was for me). When our daughter went off to college, she let Kim and me keep Angel, who became a surrogate child for us. I’m a pathetic, incorrigible dog lover. Kim came from a country where they ate dogs, but she came to love the dog far more than she ever let on or even…
The Insanity of Crowds
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”– Friedrich Nietzsche We’ve been seeing this play out before our very eyes on college campuses across America. This is not to minimize the suffering going on in Gaza. But never mind the unspeakably horrific situation affecting millions and getting ever worse in our near-neighbor, Haiti. And never mind that recently, incomparably more Muslims were killed by other Muslims in Syria (500,000+), in Yemen (150,000+), in Darfur (400,000), terrorist attacks on other Muslims (200,000+), and females murdered in honor killings (5000 per year). And never mind that…
His Last Words Were…
“His last words were . . .” People’s last words pique our interest because they’re sometimes profound or grateful or sad or inspiring or ironic. People’s last words—after living out their life on earth and before departing forever—almost always cause us to pause and think both about life in general and about our own life. Even if the words aren’t particularly profound, the fact that they’re a person’s final utterances makes them worth hearing. An Oklahoma death row inmate, convicted of two murders, was recently executed. He acknowledged that he was drugged out when they happened and doesn’t remember doing them. Formerly a…