Goliath Was Not Always a Giant

Goliath Was Not Always a Giant

Goliath was not always a 9’ 6” giant. He was once a baby. And with the passing of time, the baby became a child, became a teenager, became a man, became a giant. In the same way, our giants often begin as small problems, but they grow. Whether by our own fault or not, when these problems develop, they start to run over our lives and grow into the monsters that we dread. A baby giant can be a wounded heart that through time never gets healed and eventually becomes a major fear, deep bitterness, or raging problem. A baby…

Don’t Criticize Anyone for 24 Hours

Don’t Criticize Anyone for 24 Hours

Here’s a challenge: Don’t criticize anything or anyone for twenty-four hours.If you think, What a dumb idea! You just lost it.Start over. When I first heard that and tried it years ago, I challenged myself to not criticize anyone for twenty-four hours. And I failed every day. But I was making progress—at least I was now aware. And I was surprised at how critical I was of others. Simply becoming aware of how critical I was made a huge impact on me. I mentioned the challenge to others and was surprised at how many laughed at its impossibility. Then one day I got…

A Path – Not a Destination

A Path – Not a Destination

A rich young ruler came to Jesus, wanting to get eternal life. Jesus told him to instead walk a path that led there. The guy turned away. How often have you had an aim in life and not reached it, then felt disappointed? Or how often have you had an aim in life and reached it, then felt less happy than you thought you would? Time to make a change. If you have not already done this, I encourage you to change your thinking about aspirations and goals. Start with just one thing you aspire to. Could be anything. Instead…