Crazy Birds – from “Connections”
It’s 1 a.m. and outside my window is a chortling mockingbird. Have you ever yelled at a bird to go to bed? I do so because I know what will soon happen. At about 4:30 a.m.—yes, way before sunrise—the local rooster will start cackling. They’re supposed to crow when the sun comes up. What’s wrong with these birds? Neither of them can tell what time it is. The price of leaving windows open on summer nights. Then I think, if the birds—who are supposed to have nature’s clock inside them—can’t tell when to go to go to bed or get…
A Fateful Decision – from “Shadow in the Mirror”
Many moments in my life confused me, more than I can count. I wondered why I existed, why God never rescued me. Yet whenever I reflected back on that vision, it strengthened me. Even though life trampled my dreams to become a famous dancer, I practiced alone. I had to—dancing was my oxygen. I devoted countless hours in front of my mirror perfecting each new fad. Once again dance whisked me away into blissful places. Things radically changed after Mom bought me my first training bra. My inattentive father noticed my developing body. His pride wouldn’t allow for a daughter…
Dancing in the Dark –from “Connections”
Almost every evening I jog in the park near my house. I see all kinds of people doing all kinds of things, and this time I saw a middle-aged couple dancing. Sort of. No music or anything, just a man holding a woman in ballroom dance position, teaching her how to dance. She was so clumsy, her feet would barely move, and when they did they stumbled. No better way to put it. On my second lap around the park, day was giving way to night. And the two were still there in ballroom stance. He was still teaching, but…
A Church’s Kingdom Approach in Response to Gay Marriage
Since Adam and Eve, marriage has been defined, both biblically and socially, as the union of a man and a woman. How does the church respond after a divided Supreme Court decided that homosexuals have a constitutional right to marry? Even Justice Kennedy’s prevailing court opinion on this radical (and perhaps inevitable) shift appeared to be based more on ideas of love than on the Constitution. Indeed, love is the hallmark of a Christian. And Jesus makes clear in the Great Commandment of Matthew 22:36–40 that love is first of all, and primarily, given to God. Secondarily, love is given…
Heavenly Vision
The inner strength to survive surprised me after what I endured with John. I look at pictures of myself during that time. I always wore a smile. How could that have been? My fortitude seems to have come from a simple understanding and an odd experience. At age six, Mom registered me for catechism classes. A nun taught me that God gave his only Son, Jesus, for me, and that this Jesus loved me—me! But I didn’t pay attention to much else, so I had no idea who God or Jesus really were, could have been genies for all I…