Beware of Fatal Flaws
A massive rain across Southern California taught me a hard life lesson. I had worked on our badly designed church roof for the last twenty years, patching and repairing, then re-roofing the entire flat roof section of the building. Then more patching and repairing. Then more after that. And more after that. Then finally in early January, I concluded I had finally conquered the perennial roof leaks. Yea! My diligence and painstaking care had paid off. Then came the trilogy of rainstorms that drenched us for a week. To my astonishment, grief, and indignation, the roof leaked more than it…

Habits, Habits, Habits!
What’s the difference between a New Year’s resolution that typically fails and a life-long growth commitment that succeeds? It’s usually in the little things, boring habits that go unnoticed. Whether growth is personal, relational, financial, professional, or spiritual, it rarely happens in one big leap. People want it to be that way—and that’s why they fail. I’ve failed more times than I’ve succeeded. That’s why I’m learning the value of habits. Growth, and resulting success, happens through thousands of little steps. And if we do make a big leap, it’s because we’ve first made thousands of small steps. In countless,…
Prayer Power has been re-released
Prayer Power: 30 Days to a Stronger Connection with God has been re-released in its original format and title. Baker Books had previously retitled it Closer to God and an put it in a pocket edition. Then they discontinued it, as they and other publishers have been doing to a lot of authors in tough times. But EA Publishing has just released the book much as it was originally published. And it is now available on Amazon.com and numerous other outlets in both paperback (now only $9.99). The ebook version will soon be released. Prayer Power covers thirty key aspects of prayer…

The Bird that Needs to Quit
A bird outside our window has been trying to get in—for months. I understand that birds accidentally fly into windows. But this one sits on a bush outside the window and looks in. He knows the glass is there. And that it’s hard. But still he flies up and bangs into it, falls back to the bush, flies up to bang the glass again, falls back, and then bashes his beak again. Over and over. For months. Is the bird stupid? Maybe psychotic, a psychotic bird in need of therapy. Or perhaps the bird has a great vision of a…

A Golden Gate Take on Theology
I’m standing on the icon of San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge. I am in awe–not just because of the marvel of the thing but what it shows me about God. This suspension bridge depends on two towers on which hang two 6750-foot cables that suspend the 4200-foot span. Each cable is three feet in diameter and is made of 3/16” wires—27,562 of them. Yes, 27,562 wires tightly are bundled into each cable. These two big cables rise into the sky—but on a foggy day, which is most of the time here—they’re obscured in the mist. And it seems like…