What’s Important Now
In the midst of COVID-19-resurgence-civil-rights-demonsrations-China’s-oppression-of-Hong-Kong-and-all-the-forms-of-daily-craziness, I encourage you to remember who you fundamentally are, and if you’re a follower of Christ, who we are as believers. In the midst of all this—or of anything in your life—what’s important in each day we live? Last month I performed my daughter’s wedding (on Zoom), and I now have a son-in-law—congratulations, Irena and Kevin! They chose to not put life on hold, while being wise about it. Since then I’ve done a memorial service (also on Zoom) that connected family and friends in two countries—God bless you, Sandy. Sickness and death do not…

Why the USA Has Continual Racial Tension
I was going to write something happy this month, but the nation is gripped. I grieve at the rioting, but in this longer-than-usual post, I hope, as a white guy who’s learned a few things, to share some reasons why the USA continues to have so much racial tension—and my greatest hope. I’ve hyperlinked terms in case you’re not familiar with them. My friend Jerry is still in Louisiana, but we still have long talks on the phone. Last year he despaired that injustices against African-Americans like him never seemed to change. And he was most concerned for his grandkids….
A New Change
Kim and I have entering a new life change this month as we have finished our work in Louisiana, transitioned things over to a great pastoral leader, David Craig, who will guide it’s future as this virus passes. We’re so glad we came to Louisiana, yet we wish we could have done more. We’ve been blessed in so many ways, particularly my own prayer life and spiritual growth. Living in the South has also been a rich experience I will forever cherish, and we’ve come to love the people there. We will miss y’all! It’s a bittersweet departure. For some…
Facing the the Plague
I would have written sooner, but I’m in the midst of moving… Consider a few things about COVID-19 from a Kingdom of God perspective: Psalm 91 tells us twice, in verses 3 and 6–7, that God will save us from “the deadly pestilence” and also “the plague.” One could take this presumptuously and falsely assume God will keep one safe. But those who experience the reality of the Bible’s promises are ones who deeply and diligently submit themselves to God and boldly expect in faith and by the leading of the Holy Spirit that God will do what he says…

Amazed at What I Didn’t Know
One of my richest aspects of living in the South has been learning about the African-American experience. Before I came here I thought I understood it. I could not have been more naively mistaken. I learned at the nation’s primary exhibits in Atlanta, GA; Montgomery, AL; and Jackson, MS. Month after month my church member and dear friend, Jerry, who’s with me in the photo, graciously interacted with me about what things were like in the past, and what still lingers. I’ve come to see politics and human rights at a much deeper level. Yet I’ve also seen how in…