How to Love, Part 3

How to Love, Part 3

Is there anyone you tend to hate, or who consistently angers you? Most of us have someone or something. Confess! My confession: My top three are Islamic terrorists, the Chinese Communist Party, and crazy leftists. Now when I think about it, as a follower of Christ, I shouldn’t hate any of these people; I’m not even allowed to. But these indulgences of the flesh sometimes surface when I read the news. Yet I’m working on overcoming this and working on loving people whom I find hard to love. This commitment is particularly relevant in the divided political climate of the…

The Galatians 3:28 Society

The Galatians 3:28 Society

Musuta was a local kid where I lived in Tanzania. His father mistreated him, and my parents welcomed him in. Like any preschool kids, Musuta and I simply became best friends. My mother used this photo on her 1963 Christmas card. I always thought it was natural. In my adulthood I realized how in-your-face it was at the time. How hierarchical and divided we humans have made the world. And someone somewhere will always need to fight for equality and for change in attitudes. But the One who created us still has by far the best, and only universal, approach…